She moved from Nevada to be with him in Toronto.
Her smile is like sunshine and her eyes are possibly the brightest most happy eyes I’ve ever seen to be gazing at her mister.
Courtney and Dan are so sweet together. Here’s a peek at their engagement session – and don’t miss their love story, written by the couple themselves, at the bottom of the post <3
Their wedding will be at Steam Whistle Brewery, so they thought they’d bring some bottles to the session – a fun nod to their nuptuals 🙂
From Daniel:
One day five years ago, I was walking into a work meeting, when a colleague of mine stopped to ask me a question. He casually mentioned that the daughter of their neighbor was in town for the summer and was looking to meet people her own age. He wanted to know if I was interested in meeting her.
At this point, the boardroom was filling up with people and my colleague kept going on and on how this girl is really sweet and cute and that I need to meet her. I politely asked if we could continue the conversation after the meeting, but by then several other people had overheard and started egging me on to get her number.
I succumbed to the peer pressure and got her number. Shortly after, we connected and I had invited her to my house for a birthday BBQ. This fearless American woman travelled by public transit on her own from Oakville into a city she barely knew to meet a guy she didn’t know.
Either she was extremely bored; or it was fate, regardless I was hooked. After a few years of long distance, she graduated and decided to move to Toronto for me, that’s when I knew she was the one.
After be together for so long, we both knew it was time to get engaged; however I wasn’t going to give in so easily. When we booked our trip to Italy, I made it perfectly clear that it was NOT going to happen, as I didn’t want her thinking about it the entire trip. At the same time, I knew I was going to propose, but I had to ensure it would be a surprise.
I had it all planned out; as I wanted to propose on the Piazza de Michelangelo, which I read had a great view and sunset. However, I had no idea there would be several hundred people also in the plaza. This was not a spectacle I wanted to share with hundreds of strangers. Sure enough I didn’t have to, as another future bride was proposed to just a few meters away.
Since I wasn’t going to be the second guy to do it that evening, I decided to wait until the following morning. I woke up early and got everything ready. As we did every day, we recapped what we were going to see that day.
As I finished the recap, I quickly said “change of plans!” and got down on one knee and proposed. I would like to say it was a magical speech that completely captured my love for Courtney; however, I am pretty sure I blacked out and forget everything I said and did.
All I remembered was she said YES. We ended up buying matching wedding bands on the Ponte Vecchio (which was my plan from the start). And now we are here… cool story right?
From Courtney:
Dan and I met 5 and a half years ago on somewhat of a blind date. I lived in Nevada, but was home for the summer with my parents who had recently moved to the GTA. My Mom and Dad lived down the street from a colleague of Dan’s, who thought we would hit it off.
After exchanging some emails back and forth, Dan invited me to his house for a birthday barbecue with his friends. I left thinking we might be friends, and that we might hang out again… maybe? I like to think Dan left knowing we would be here someday:). Somehow I couldn’t shake him off after that, and I found myself packing up my life after graduation and moving to Toronto to be with him.
We reached a point where I knew we would be getting engaged someday, I just didn’t know when. So when we booked a trip to Italy in April, I thought… “Maybe?”. Dan was quick to shut me down, he told everyone not to worry, that a vacation proposal was too obvious and there was no way we would be coming home engaged. When we got to Italy, love was all around us.
By our third day we had seen 3 proposals, and assumed I would not be next. I was in shock when Dan got down on one knee early one morning in Florence and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. I actually said “is this real life?”. We spent the day walking around the city and bought our wedding bands along the famous Ponte Vecchio. Now we get to come home and start our lives together!