Since I’ve found myself e-mailing responses to this question so often, I thought I’d put together a quick little guide.
For me, it’s actually super simple. There are 5 Helpful Tips that really do make a *huge* difference in the results of your photos.
The definition of ‘photography’ literally translates from Greek to drawing with light. (Photo=Light, Graphy=Drawing)
Light is a huge component of what makes a good photograph.
For engagement sessions, many people love the warm glow they sometimes see in photographs, often with sun beams coming into the shot. The best time to get this type of light is about the hour to half hour before sunset. I typically start sessions 1.5 hours before sunset to have a bit more cushion time to explore and catch different types of light.
Sometimes the skies don’t allow for these sun beams (c’mon, cloud cover!), and that’s ok. It may not even be something you like. But, don’t fret if it’s not a bright sunny day. In fact, it’s actually BETTER when the day is cloudy versus too bright. Clouds are like nature’s soft boxes, creating a great, even light. Bright sunshine (like at mid afternoon) makes people squint and leaves ‘hot spots’ (bright white areas) on your clothes & faces. Clouds or scheduling your session at a later or super early time will help prevent this.
Speak with your photographer about the best time to take your photos to get the best results. This will also depend on how your photographer likes to shoot. For me, I love the hour-ish before sunset. (This actually applies to your wedding portraits too, if possible!)
I love it when engagement sessions reflect you as a couple. I always ask couples to tell me some things they enjoy doing together, or places they enjoy visiting. From there we can gather inspiration for little things we can add to your session to make it something you can look back on and think, ‘that was so us during that time’.
For instance, you guys may love going for coffee, or having picnics, or maybe you love sports. Or maybe you just want to spend time at home since it’s your favourite place, or visit where you had your first date. We can include hints to these things in your individualized session.
Of course we’ll take some awesome lovey portraits, but it’s also neat when the location or some items in the photos have special meaning for you.
TIP # 3 – OUTFITS (Think: Comfortable, Co-ordinated, Compatible)
A big question I get a lot is ‘what should we wear?’
The answer to this is three-fold:

This bride-to-be even co-ordinated her lipstick with their picnic cherries:
3. Compatible: Make sure your outfits make sense/are compatible with the location of the shoot. If we’re frolicking through a forest you probably don’t want to be wearing heels. But heels definitely work for city photos. If it’s snowing outside it may look (and feel) strange to wear a sleeveless dress, so wear something weather-appropriate (this is also part of the ‘comfortable’ tip). Make sure your outfits will look nice in the context of the environment.
Painted nails look so great in photos.
Also, these things are often overlooked: moisturize (so you don’t have dry skin and cuticles) and trim those nails, gents!
These little things make a big difference.
Engagement sessions are a time for you to let loose and enjoy a fun date. It’s totally about you guys – a time for you to pause, enjoy each other’s company, and connect. Your photographer will help make you feel comfortable and give you directions if needed, but we are there to capture the essence you two. Spend time really feeling each other’s love, because that’s what this is all about!
The setting and scene on each of one of those wedding pictures look marvelous. The way wedding photographers included the lighting and the rest of the settings in the backgrounds is just amazing. Looking at these pictures is giving me some ideas on what to implement for my sister’s wedding.
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That’s so lovely to hear! Glad you enjoyed the post!